What Happened with me last night

It almost 6am as i was going to bed, so i thought i must listen some regular songs so that i get a good sleep.
I plugged in my custom made multi-pin [ idon’t what we call it exactly , its a single plug giving out lots of sockets ] .

guess what ??
aaaaa!! Opps!!! a
short circuit , sparks all around . both the tips of the wire melted and i was in shock [not the electric one] .
What you might be thinking ?
why one becomes so shocked on a short circuit ?
its not simple with me .
the real story starts now !!!
Have you heard of Virtual box . I was using that .
Any my laptop was on nearly low battery .I needed to plug in the adapter quickly , or if the system Would crash and the Vitual box also .Leaving my 48 hrs of hard work to no use.
Now was the game starting for me!!
I did not enjoy it playing !!
but I ‘ll enjoy narrating !!
Time was ticking down !!
“7 mins remaining” a window poped up from the battery-part of the tray[desktop] .
I had to think of something fast!!

Scenario : NOBODY in the lobby , nobody could have been there at this time , in Dec, yeh , its the vacation time ,is just some pending work that’s making me stay back. No room was occupied at that time.

so there was chance of help.
First thing i did was to look for the MCCB.
I found 2 . Its just what happens, if there was only one then it would have been easy for me ti think over with 5 mins remaining.

I traced the connection For the First one. Shit !!, it was going some where else so i am now searching for my switch with about 3* mins in hand.

there are about 3×8+4 =28 switches t o chose from .

Look at the logic that WE apply in real life

there were 4 Switches in RED color so i thought , its a high voltage something so leave it alone .

28-4 goes to 24 remaining .
3 sets of 8 switches in hand , working with just 2* minutes and 30 sec inhand .
i thought the best way would be tracing the origins of the Inputs to the Mccb .
all wires look alike one cannot guess that which has been connnected to which .
2mins to go

I had only 2* minute left , so i worked out that eachroom has two switches , so i got the point, i must have one port working , so i rushed to both the ports, guessing the one near the door should be checked first , so i picked up my Multimeter [its is also crippled but working properly ] sp i checked it , no supply!!

God save me . Please !!

praying to god i checked the next one. i go the point . Now , rather han connecting the supply to the battery , i went to the Mccb , such an idiot , some 45* sec to go and such an idiotic decision , I actually had something in my mind ,

i thought why not i mustcorret things completely .
I saw one of the switch was hanging in a differnt manner [ i had thought that it might have been broken in my previous visit ]
This tme i thought hat it might be my switch i tried to switch it on . but it was looking br oken ,i thought its my last hope , and terified by the “What would happen ?” i pressed it harded . and Finally it gave off !! .I mean the lights were on . I ran back like a flash and plugged in the power . so now I could take a sigh of relief , But i was quite happy that i could apply myself, in such situations ,somewhat radically .

Hence ,

I think that’s what Education Must Do , MAke you instinctive works look radical ,or say that PROGRAM these radical decision into your INSTINCTS.

!! !! I felt Educated !! !!

  1. #1 by rid dark skin on February 12, 2013 - 5:46 pm

    Everything is very open with a really clear explanation of the issues.
    It was really informative. Your site is extremely helpful.
    Thanks for sharing!

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